
Written by Nurlin.

Aku nak tulis something, but I have no idea what to write on so here goes; psl 7 pendekar Al-Biruni.

Arman. Hmm, in the whole wide world, dia satu-satunye laki aku knal yg bace the whole harry potter series, bace buku sophie kinsella and God-knows what else. *saluteeee!* Dlm 'kegarangan' dia jadi class monitor for two years straight, sbnarnye aman ni deep, deep inside baik orangnye. (eh?) Dia nampak gaye ramai peminat, hahaha! Whatever u say, man, aku still ckp kau the Most Eligible Guy in school :P :P :P

Redza. Hooo! the Kyle Patrick versi Msia. Suare kau sedap. Something happened last year yg mmg aku cite kat sikit org je but well. Penah skali tu aku nak amek pen, at the same time eja letak tangan dia atas meja and tupp! Tangan kitorg ter touch. Aku, well, fobia sikit. Aku melompat ke belakang 1 row, went all 'ahhh!' and tarik tgn mcm kene seterika. The best thing is, tak siapa perasan. HAHA. It's good to know how invisible I am in class --"

Paan. What can I say? Al-Bino, Black, Farfar, so on, so forth. Papepun, bagi aku, dia tetap paling comel.

Haziq. Dulu, kau slalu kacau aku. Redha je. This year, HA. Aku dah tak robotik mane, don't mess with me brother.

Haziq Afiq. There really is no other word for this boy : SLEEPYHEAD! :P

Zharif. "Ok.. turun ye.. Sekarang waktu rehat." (Fatin : "Turun sekarang! Susah sgt ke nak ikut peraturan sekolah! Name je budak al-biruni! Kelas first! Tapi peraturan tak ikut gak! Kau ni nurlin! Patutnye kau jadi contoh kat dorg sume! what the fish? haha, tin, bergurau ye. tp tu mmg ayat kau, aku igt sampai bebile.)

Madi. Haaa. The one guy yg tak bergaul dgn the rest of them above, I wonder why? Sbb KORANG TAK LAYAN DIA, maybe? lol

(Mind the title, aku nak tulis the 'rulers' of smklk, but melayu la sikitt so that's how i came up with pembaris)


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